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Benzo Books & Other Resources lists a number of books and resources about Benzodiazepines.

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Prescription Drugs

Worst Pills, Best Pills

Worst Pills, Best Pills (2005) is a reliable, objective, evidence-based and authoritative guide to prescription drugs.

Public Citizen is no longer selling Worst Pills, Best Pills due to concerns that its information has become outdated.

All the information contained in the book is available on the companion Website (subscription-based) and is updated twice annually.

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The Woman Who Cracked the Anxiety Code

The Woman Who Cracked the Anxiety Code: the extraordinary life of Dr Claire Weekes by Judith Hoare.

The true story of the little-known mental-health pioneer who revolutionised how we see the defining problem of our era: anxiety.


Panic, depression, sorrow, guilt, disgrace, obsession, sleeplessness, low confidence, loneliness, agoraphobia… The international bestseller Self-Help for Your Nerves, first published in 1962 and still in print, has helped tens of millions of people to overcome all of these, and continues to do so.

Self-Help for Your Nerves     Self-Help for Your Nerves

Self-Help for Your Nerves: Learn to relax and enjoy life again by overcoming stress and fear by Dr. Claire Weekes.

A Brief History of Anxiety [Yours & Mine]

Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now by Dr. Claire Weekes.

A Brief History of Anxiety [Yours & Mine] by Patricia Pearson.

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Drug Policy

The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth by Irving Kirsch.


Death by Prescription

Death by Prescription: A Father Takes on His Daughter's Killer—the Multi-Billion Dollar Pharmaceutical Companies by Terence Young.

See the book review.


Prescription for Injury

Prescription for Injury by Colin Downes-Grainger, 2007. Free PDF available for download.

This book examines the question of how it is that medicine inflicts widespread damage through mind altering drugs in particular but also a range of other drugs. It goes into the reasons why so often dangerous drugs are sold to regulators and doctors as safe and it is left to patients to discover later that this is far from true.


Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and A Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial by Alison Bass, an award-winning journalist and long-time medical writer for The Boston Globe.


The ABCs of Disease Mongering: An epidemic in 26 letters (Emdash Publishing, Victoria, 2008) tickles your funny bone with his new take on the very real and growing phenomenon of Disease Mongering—the practice of convincing more and more of us that we’re patients, in order to sell us health treatments of all sorts.

Psychiatric Detentions

Your Consent Is Not Required

Your Consent Is Not Required by Rob Wipond, 2023.

Thoroughly researched, with alarming true stories and hard data from the US and Canada, Rob Wipond's Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships builds an unassailable case for greater transparency, vigilance, and change.

Investigative journalist Rob Wipond has started a series of short videos examining some of the more startling, disturbing, or shocking things he learned while researching his book.

The series begins with How Psychiatric Fraud Drives Forced Hospitalizations where he describes cases of mass-scale fraudulent involuntary psychiatric commitments, and recounts his interview with an attorney from the US Department of Justice and Medicare Fraud Strike Force.

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PMAG does not provide individual advice or respond to individual requests for assistance. We encourage you to seek qualified medical support. More…


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Updated: January 10, 2024